Kirsten’s Bavarian Dinner

Posted by on Nov 20, 2010 in Culinary Journeys | Comments Off on Kirsten’s Bavarian Dinner

Kirsten’s Bavarian Dinner

Kartoffelpuffer’-a preparation with potato patties, topped with a dump of vinegar soaked red cabbage. German potato pancakes are a real treat and something Germans miss when they move away from home. Eating freshly made potato pancakes with applesauce in the out-of-doors at a weekly market or carnival is a wonderful way to indulge. I saw several stalls lined up as street carts in India are, at a local Bavarian fair I was taken to. Interesting what the Bavarian consider as street-food! Even shaved coconut slices are one of them, and priced at a princely sum of EUR 2! Kirsten makes these potato pancakes in desi ghee/clarified butter. (Remember they believe in all things organic?!)

Here’s the simple recipe for it:
•1/2 kilo potatoes (about 3-4 medium sized potatoes)
•1/2 a medium sized onion
•3/4 – 1 tsp. salt (start with a lower amount, you can add salt at the table)
•Ground pepper
•Freshly ground nutmeg
•1 egg
•Oil/Ghee for frying

Peel and grate potatoes. Place the grated potatoes in a clean dishcloth or muslin-cloth and squeeze the liquid out of them into a bowl. Let the liquid stand a few minutes, then drain the liquid, leaving potato starch at the bottom of the bowl. Add the potatoes.
Grate the onion over the potatoes. Add dried onion flakes for part or all of the onion, if you like. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg and egg. Mix thoroughly.
Heat desi ghee in a frying pan. You can use a non-stick pan and use less ghee, if you wish, but for best results use generous amounts!
Using about 1/2 cup, drop the potato mixture into hot fat and flatten with the back of a spoon. Fry 4-5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and serve hot with red cabbage vinaigrette.

Red Cabbage Vinaigrette
•Shredded Red Cabbage
•Red Wine Vinegar- 7-8 tablespoons
•3/4 – 1 tsp. rock salt
•Honey-1 tablespoon
•Freshly Ground pepper

Mix all ingredients together and keep aside for 30 mins. Dump over the potato patties just before serving. Dollop up a spoon of sour-cream and some finely chopped parsley to garnish.